
MBW works for the hopeful expectation of its mission through a range of means, methods and services to and with trans/gender-diverse and sexuality-diverse persons, faith communities, and the community at large through education, stimulation of brave conversation and dialogue, relational engagement, consultation, and direct support, to include:

  • educational workshops, seminars, and small/large group dialogue opportunities (regarding sex, gender, sexuality, and related concerns);
  • theological education and reflection with faith groups desiring to be more accepting, affirming, and accommodating of trans/gender non-conforming and queer persons;
  • spiritual formation and spiritual reconciliation workshops, seminars, and small-group retreats;
  • Collaborative practices, initiatives, and events engaged to help cultivate, equip and encourage persons of diverse gender self-understandings in our growth, spiritual formation, leadership, work, and daily living;
  • study groups, support groups, community-building initiatives, interfaith worship services, vigils, and prayer services;
  • participation in just witness and action through marches, rallies, addresses to legislative bodies, etc.

Our Ideal Customer

At MBW, we consult with, offer workshops and training seminars, and collaborate with secular groups, faith groups, and civic groups who desire to become more welcoming, affirming, and accommodating of transgender/gender-diverse and sexuality-diverse persons.

We are about changing hearts and minds in the ongoing work of collaborating, partnering, and creating together a groundswell of movement toward deeper gender, racial, economic and decolonizing intersectional equity and justice.

If you, or your organization, are interested in these things, we are here to partner with and work with you!


Contact us for rates and availability.





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